
Library helps to easily write concurrent executed code blocks.

Quick example:

import asyncio
from concurrently import concurrently

async def amain(loop):
    How to fetch some web pages with concurrently.
    urls = [  # define pages urls
    results = {}

    # immediately run wrapped function concurrent
    # in 2 thread (asyncio coroutines)
    async def fetch_urls():
        for url in urls:
            # some function for download page
            page = await fetch_page(url)
            results[url] = page

    # wait until all concurrent threads finished
    await fetch_urls()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Decorator @concurrently() makes to main thinks:
  • starts concurrent execution specified count of decorated function
  • returns special Waiter object to control the running functions

By default, the code runs as asyncio coroutines, but there are other supported ways to execute, by specifying the argument engine.